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Tác giả:
Ziolkowski, Saskia Elizabeth
Đề mục:
Nhà xuất bản:
The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill United States
Ngày xuất bản:
May 2009
Định dạng:
Nguồn gốc:
The Comparatist, volume 33, May 2009, pages 109-131
Ngôn ngữ:
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Nội dung

[...]both authors experimented with various national literatures, forms, and literary communities throughout their lives. The varied responses reveal the difficulty of limiting Rilke to one country: the respondents connected Rilke's work to French, German, Czech, Russian, Mitteleuropean, or generally European contexts and some denied the possibility of connecting him to any one context at all. Because of this internationalism, critics also often characterize Rilke and Slataper as standing outside any one movement (Futurism, expressionism, etc.). [...]their sense of alienation in the cultural capitals of their time may have even shattered any potential idea of home. [...]he dispensed with these distinguishing labels, forcing the readers themselves to determine meaning.

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