Hình bìa

Amino acids and their derivatives as corrosion inhibitors for metals and alloys

In the last two decades, research in the field of corrosion inhibitors had been directed toward the goal of using cheap effective molecules of low or non-negative environmental impact to replace the environmentally hazardous compounds. One of the encourager compounds which can be used as safe corrosion inhibitors are amino acids. They are environmentally friendly, non-toxic, biodegradable and relatively cheap. On other hand, the development of computational modeling helps to understand the inhibition mechanism of those compounds and to develop the newly designed inhibitors. In this review, most of contribution made in literature on the use of amino acids and their derivatives as corrosion inhibitors for metallic alloys materials were presented and discussed.

Loại tài liệu:
Tác giả:
El Ibrahimi, B.
Đề mục:
Arabian Journal of Chemistry
Nhà xuất bản:
Elsevier Ltd.
Ngày xuất bản:
January 2020
Số trang/ tờ:
Nguồn gốc:
Arabian Journal of Chemistry, Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages 740-771
Lượt xem: 0
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